MoFA Summer Update-June 30, 2010
MoFA extends our condolences and sympathy to the family and friends of Robin Quint who passed away June 20, 2010. We are saddened by the loss of her incredible spirit.
Fibrations deadline is July 23. Prospectus is in the summer newsletter and on the MoFA website: Take this opportunity to participate in an all MoFA members exhibit, happening in Springfield, Missouri. Remember you can initiate a MoFA exhibit in your area. These exhibits replace our traveling show.
Mark your calendars! February 25-27, 2011 is the date for the MoFA Retreat at the Rickman Center in Jefferson City. Details coming in the fall newsletter
Speaking of Fibers will be the MoFA members’ show for Innovations in Textile 9. The venue is the Morton May Gallery at Maryville University. Dates are October 1-31, 2011. Details and prospectus will be in the fall newsletter.
Thank you to Barb Zapulla who has volunteered to be the MoFA Exhibitions Coordinator. Thank you to Judy Cobillas, Connie Zullo and Rosemary Claus-Gray who are our regional reps. And another thank you to J. Penney Burton, our new student rep.
We sill need reps from the Southwest region, the Northwest region, the Northeast region, South Central and Greater Kansas City regions.. If interested, contact Bonnie Black at
Congratulations to Jill Choate who has been included in two instructional basketry/gourd books, Antler Art for Baskets and Gourds-she’s on the front cover (Oct. 2010) and Weaving on Gourds (Dec. 2010)b
Needle , an online magazine is looking for artists to submit articles (so is Network, our MoFA newsletter)
If interested here is the link for Needle: